Saturday, February 4, 2012

Review of Everything's Fine/Symphony Soldier Tour: February 3, 2012

Last night I went to the Everything's Fine/Symphony Soldier Tour at the Crofoot Ballroom that I posted about a couple weeks ago. It was absolutely AMAZING. The Cab and The Summer Set both put on a great show with two really incredible set lists. Also, I can't leave out He Is We! They were one of the opening bands, and they were really awesome as well. 

The show kicked off with Paradise Fears (who, sadly, I didn't get to see because I got there too late) and Days Difference. The sound and acoustics were kind of off for Days Difference, so I couldn't really get the full experience of seeing this band live. However, I knew the lyrics and the beat, so I was still able to appreciate the performance that they gave. Luckily the venue got this fixed quickly. 

Rachael Taylor, vocalist of He Is We, honestly blew me away with her voice. She has one of the best live voices I have heard in a long time, and I really felt like she did it without even having to try. It just came so naturally to her. She said "I'm not the prettiest girl, I'm not the skinniest girl, and I'm not the best singer," (all of which I think are completely false) "but I'm here tonight to have a great time and do what I love to do!" 

The Cab had one of the longer set lists I've heard of in a while, but that was completely fine with me (and probably the rest of the crowd)! They played songs off older albums like Whisper War which was really cool, because a lot of bands have started to just play their new album all the way through and leave out all of the old stuff. Alexander DeLeon has so much energy when he performs: dancing around the stage, interacting with the crowd, and telling random stories and facts about the band. For "Living Louder", Alex brought out Brian Dales of The Summer Set, and they turned it into somewhat of a duet, which the crowd really seemed to love. 

The Summer Set gave off probably the best vibe out of any of the shows I have ever been to. The crowd was dancing, jumping, and singing along to almost every single song, and Brian really got into it too! "Thick as Thieves", a song off of their new album "Everything's Fine", is a really upbeat song. However, Brian decided to play it acoustically and change the melody up a bit, and I think it came out really well. It was an interesting arrangement, and he definitely pulled it off. 

Long story short: the show was a huge hit. It sold it, the place was packed, and everyone I talked to had a great time. The bands hung around for hours afterwards to meet literally every single fan that stayed; they signed autographs, took pictures, and talked forever like everyone was old friends. I love going to smaller shows like this one because the bands realize the fans they have are the reason they got where they are, appreciate it, and show that they do. They are honestly just very genuine people. 

Here's a couple pictures...

Alexander DeLeon of The Cab:

Brian Dales of The Summer Set:

He Is We (Rachael Taylor and Trevor Kelly):

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